T1A has found that in very few cases, the power lead from the power supply to the socket designed for use in the UK can break down and cause a risk of short circuits.


Customer safety is always T1A's top priority, and we have voluntarily decided to switch all affected power leads to electrical outlets for a new, redesigned power supply for free. T1A encourage our customers to exchange affected parts via the process below



Identification of your UK power lead


Is your power lead of the type shown in the picture below. Are you eligible for replacement via the T1A Program to replace the UK power lead


Please use the following link to get a new UK power lead:




    1. Accept terms

    2. Type in your information

    3. Select following product type: Power lead

    4. Invoice Number: None

    5. Serial no.: No

    6. Reason: Defective product


Affected UK power lead

